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What Clients Have to Say:

I have known Carol Tedesco for perhaps 20 years. During that time I have had numerous opportunities to work with her on marketing businesses in which I was either the client, or knew the client. I can say without hesitation that she insists on every detail being perfect and will not settle for “almost perfect.” Not only is her work great, she also is acutely aware of scheduling and time constraints. When she says it will be done, it will in fact be done. Carol is highly ethical and her word is her bond.  If I had the capacity and work, I would buy all her time so she could only work for me!

Michael L. Browning, Esq.

Managing Member of New Moon Management Group Inc.



Brilliantly creative, Carol Tedesco knows how to get publicity. Thanks to her clever photos and press releases in which she "interviewed" my bichon, Angel, about her canine desires to be queen of the "Fur Ball," a charity event for a local animal shelter, Angel was overwhelmingly elected, resulting in many contributions in her name. I would trust Carol to expertly carry out any publicity campaign -- for events, humans, animals, and yes, even aliens from outer space.

Jean Carper

New York Times Best Selling Author



Carol possesses an intuitive sense of what elements need to be in place for success. I recently asked her help with a book launch, Only in Key West, a mystery that involved the kidnapping of Sushi, a well-known drag queen. Carol took some eye-catching photos and wrote a clever press release that got the attention of the Keys media. Having the event at the 801 Cabaret during Pride Week in the same room where the Stoli Bartenders Competition took place was perfect. The atmosphere was festive, sample drinks were free, and I sold an impressive amount of books. Most important, everyone had a great time and I attribute the success of that event to Carol’s keen timing, great photos, and experience. She is an absolute pleasure to work with and I would use her again in a heartbeat. I recommend her highly for any event you want to get noticed.

Kenneth D. Michaels

Best selling author


Photo of Carol Tedesco with cameras on a hydrolic lift

Carol Tedesco is known to us as one of the foremost expert numismatists on Spanish Colonial Coins. Requiring an impartial expert opinion to divide a lot of coins recovered by Arqueonautas Worldwide S.A. ( from the Portuguese shipwreck ‘Sao Jose’ from 1622 between the Government of the Republic of Mozambique and Arqueonautas we had to make sure that the coins truly representing ‘National Maritime Heritage’ would be identified by a neutral expert. An outstanding job was done to the full satisfaction of the Mozambique Government and Arqueonautas; certainly no small feat considering the great responsibility Carol accepted to take on here.

Niki Sandizell

Chairman & CEO, Arqueonautas Worldwide SA



Carol Tedesco has provided consultation services for Odyssey Marine Exploration since 2008, primarily in her capacity as a Spanish Colonial coin expert.  Although there are other knowledgeable numismatists in the field, one of the reasons Odyssey chose to work with Carol is her vast experience in multiple areas of the historic shipwreck industry, which gives her knowledge a depth, breadth, and context that no other coin expert possesses.


Carol has provided a variety of valuable services to Odyssey over the years.  She created a dedicated database for coins from the Portuguese shipwreck Sao Jose, which was designed to track particular features and characteristics.  This not only increased our information base, it also enhanced the collection’s potential value.  Carol served as a spokesperson for the Sao Jose collection, conversing with and educating the media and public across the United States about the history of Portuguese and Spanish colonial trade and the 17th century seafaring world.


Carol was an expert witness for Odyssey in the “Black Swan” case, analyzing and preparing a report on the coins recovered from the site, in relation to the shipping routes of the time, and the location and conditions in which the coins were discovered.


Carol recently completed a professional paper, "The Deep-Sea Tortugas Shipwreck, Florida (1622): the Silver Coins," for "Oceans Odyssey 3," a compendium of papers on artifacts recovered from the deep-water wreck.  She also provided fact-checking and editing to other authors contributing to the collection.


Carol performs her work faithfully, industriously and with meticulous attention to detail and sensitivity to the cultural importance of the artifacts.  She is held in very high regard within Odyssey and within the international historic shipwreck industry.

Mark D. Gordon


Odyssey Marine Exploration



As Vice President of Operations for the Mel Fisher family company, Motivation, Inc.,

I have been asked to attest to the abilities of my professional associate Carol Tedesco.


I have worked with Carol Tedesco in various capacities for nearly two decades, and know her as a historic shipwreck explorer, researcher, curator and coin expert. While her particular specialty is shipwreck recovered Spanish Colonial “cob” coins, she is proficient at working with artifact databases and at customizing databases to suit the needs of the project at hand.


Carol’s reputation in the shipwreck industry is excellent. Her first hand experience working in multiple areas of the industry, her knowledge of 16th and 17th century life, her professional standards and pleasant personality make her a valuable addition to any team.


Gary Randolph

Vice President, Operations

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