The article I wrote for the Spring 2024 issue of Sean Kingsley's WRECKWATCH Magazine, sharing my thoughts on what we might expect the 1708 San José shipwreck coin cargo to consist of - and why - has now been translated into Spanish and published in Colombia's Numiscol Fundacion BOLETIN NUMISMATICO. To read the English language version, which is digital, you can subscribe at WreckWatchMag.com. BOLETIN NUMISMATICO is offered as a print publication only and NUMISCOL Fundacion members are first in line for copies (so a great reason to join!), though Numiscol Fundacion co-founder and board President Jorge Becerra León said that some copies will also be available for non-members. You can visit their website at Numiscol.com or their Facebook page for contact/membership information.

WreckWatch Magazine recently invited me to share some thoughts on what Colombia's famous San Jose shipwreck coin cargo might consist of, and why. You can subscribe to WreckWatch magazine for free and read the whole article "Plus Ultra: Spain & the San Jose's Gold & Silver Coins" at this link: https://www.wreckwatchmag.com/
-----. 2011. “Illuminated Treasure.” X-Ray Mag. November edition. No. 45. Denmark.
-----. 2011. “Exploring the Journey of Dutch Lead Seals on a Spanish Colonial Shipwreck in the Florida Straits.” Popular Archaeology. January edition. United States.
-----. 2010. “Stones of Green and Other Treasures.” X-Ray Mag. May edition. No. 36. Denmark.